
Searchable metadata fields

This table shows all metadata fields in Alveo. The left column shows internal field names that can be used in SPARQL queries. The right column shows field names that can be used in search queries.
RDF Name Field name for Queries
Alveo_display_document Alveo_display_document
ausnc:audience audience
austalk:basename basename
austalk:cameraSN0 cameraSN0
austalk:cameraSN1 cameraSN1
dc:isPartOf collection_name
ausnc:communication_context communication_context
communication_medium communication_medium
communication_setting communication_setting
austalk:component component
austalk:componentName componentName
dc:created created
dc:creator creator
date_group date_group
discourse_type discourse_type
ausnc:document document
dc:extent extent
dc:identifier identifier
austalk:information_follower information_follower
austalk:information_giver information_giver
ausnc:interactivity interactivity
olac:language language
austalk:map map
ausnc:mode mode
austalk:prompt prompt
austalk:prototype prototype
publication_status publication_status
rdf:type RDF_type
austalk:regenerated regenerated
austalk:session session
dc11:source source
olac:speaker speaker
olac:speakers speakers
ausnc:speech_style speech_style
dc:title title
dc:type type
dcterms:type type
austalk:version version
written_mode written_mode